What is Google Tag Manager?

Recently, tag management has become a crucial aspect of optimizing the monitoring and analysis of online activities, and Google Tag Manager has emerged as a management platform and a powerful and flexible solution to simplify this process. GTM, in fact, allows web marketers to easily implement and manage tags without having to involve developers to insert various code snippets and reduce possible errors. In this article, we will look at what Google Tag Manager is, the wide range of possibilities it offers, and how to make the most of it to improve an online business.

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a free tool from Google that makes it easy to manage and implement tags on websites without requiring direct changes to the site’s code thereby simplifying digital marketing efforts.

But what are “tags”? They are portion of JavaScript code that collects data about users’ interaction with a website. Data that is then sent to various analytics platforms, such as Google Analytics, Facebook Tracking Pixel , and other tracking tools.

This data is essential for:

  • analyze site performance
  • perform conversion tracking
  • optimize marketing campaigns
  • understand what devices the site is being browsed with (desktop or mobile devices

Leveraging Google Tag Manager means, therefore, simplifying tracking and tracking code management, improving operational efficiency, and gaining more accurate data to quickly make informed decisions in the ever-changing digital world.

How does Google Tag Manager work?

The operation of Google Tag Manager is based on two main components:

  • the “containers”
  • the “tags.”

A container is a container that includes all the tags (tracking codes) on your website. After creating a container on GTM, you will need to implement a single code snippet on your site. Once you have completed this step, you can manage and add new tags directly from the Google Tag Manager interface, without touching your site’s source code.

Tags, as we saw earlier, are the specific code snippets for each tracking function. For example, you can use one tag to track conversions, another for event tracking, and so on. Google Tag Manager makes it easy to implement these tags without requiring advanced programming language knowledge.

How to Use Google Tag Manager

1. Create a Google Tag Manager account.

Start by creating an account on Google Tag Manager. Once logged in, create a new container and follow the instructions to integrate the GTM unique code into your site.

2. Add tags

Once you have configured the container and inserted the appropriate code snippet into your site, you can start adding tags . GTM supports a wide range of predefined tags for Google Analytics (now GA4, formerly Universal Analytics), AdWords, and other tracking tools. Your tag is not included? No problem, you can use the custom tag or create custom tracking events.

3. Enable variables

GTM uses variables to collect and store data that can be used in tags. Configure variable types to suit your needs to ensure accurate and detailed data collection.

4. Test and finally publish

Before making changes active, use GTM’s preview mode to test how tags work on your site. Make sure everything is working perfectly before publishing the changes for users. You will avoid errors in tag management.

The benefits of Google Tag Manager.

GTM is not only a tool for tracking and monitoring conversions, but it can also help with SEO optimization of your website. Here are some of the main benefits of using GTM.

1. It simplifies tag management.

The main benefit of GTM is the simplification of tag management. Without the need for direct intervention in the site code, marketers can easily implement and modify tags through an intuitive user interface. Prior to the introduction of GTM, implementation of these tags often required developer intervention and long wait times.

2. Speed of implementation.

GTM saves valuable time. Changes to tags can be made quickly without requiring developer involvement. Speed is a crucial quality in a digital environment where the need to keep up with the competition. This enables rapid response to new strategies or requirements.

3. Transparency and monitoring

Google Tag Manager provides a complete overview of tracking activity. You can clearly see which tags are active, when and on which pages of your site. This transparency is essential to ensure the effectiveness of your tracking strategies.


Google Tag Manager is an essential digital marketing tool to simplify tag management and improve the efficiency of your online activities. In addition, centralizing tags prevents code leakage and simplifies maintenance.

By implementing GTM, you can:

  • save time
  • avoid technical complications
  • get a clearer view of users’ interactions with your website.

If you haven’t yet taken advantage of the potential of Google Tag Manager, it’s time to explore this resource to optimize your online presence and improve your website’s performance.