Ecommerce Website Development

Want to expand online sales with a custom ecommerce site?

My Web Lab excels at  ecommerce website development for every industry, offering fully customizable solutions. We are experts in implementing platforms such as PrestaShop, Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, and developing fully customized ecommerce.

Ecommerce Platform Development

Development Creation of elegant, high-performance and functional ecommerce sites

Creation of professional ecommerce sites that combine elegance and functionality, making them accessible to everyone. Boost your business with a search engine optimized online store, packed with all the features you need. Rely on My Web Lab to develop your B2B or B2C e-commerce.


Efficient Catalog Management

Whether you choose PrestaShop, Magento, WooCommerce, Shopify, or a custom site, our ecommerce offer simple and advanced catalog management. Manage news, attributes, special offers and categories effectively. We also implement data import and export functions for integrations with management software or external APIs.


Advanced SEO Optimization

We design each e-commerce platform to maximize SEO. A well-designed sales site must be competitive online, with clean code, in structured JSON, and optimized to generate high traffic.


On-Page Optimisation

We design and implement e-commerce with endless product display options. Whether it’s a fashion site or an industrial e-commerce, each product page will be fast and engaging, with multi-angle images and detailed zoom, ensuring that descriptions are complete and compelling to the buyer.


Digital Marketing Strategies

We use advanced marketing tools to enhance the visibility of e-commerce sites created by My Web Lab. From managing affiliate and loyalty programs to creating coupons and integrations with platforms such as Google Shopping, we optimize our clients’ online presence.


Order and Payment Process

We manage fast and intuitive checkout systems with step-by-step payment options. We develop solutions that support all major payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, wire transfer, and others, as well as modules to interact with any banking circuit for credit and debit card payments, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and many others.


Order Shipment Management

Shipment management is essential in the back-office of any e-commerce business. We organize shipping options clearly, allowing agile management of weight, size, and shipping costs. We support configuration of order minimums and tracking integration for flawless logistics.


Global Sales with Multilingual Sites

My Web Lab’s e-commerce sites are designed to adapt to international markets, offering full multilingual support. We customize graphics and content for specific local needs, ensuring that each site is optimized for the target country, improving user experience and conversion.


Security of your Ecommerce

Data security is a priority for My Web Lab. We protect each ecommerce site with advanced solutions to prevent unauthorized access. We implement encryption, SSL certificates and constant backups to ensure the security of sensitive information and business continuity.


Geolocation and Currency Management

E-commerce stores built by My Web Lab automatically detect the user’s geographical location, adjusting taxes and promotions specifically for each country. We also offer the ability to pay in different currencies, increasing flexibility for international users.


Sales Analysis and Reporting

We provide detailed analysis of your e-commerce site’s performance. My Web Lab uses tools such as Google Analytics and Search Console to monitor sales, traffic and engagement, allowing you to continuously optimize your online sales strategy.


Multiple Ecommerce Management

My Web Lab offers advanced solutions for managing multiple ecommerce stores from a single platform, even with different domains and designs. This centralizes and accelerates data entry, as well as enables unified order management. We also customize module development to optimize investment.


Cross-selling techniques

We implement cross-selling and up-selling techniques in e-commerce shopping carts created by My Web Lab to maximize sales. We run promotions and giveaways based on spending thresholds, improving the shopping experience and incentivizing larger purchases.

Ecommerce site creation for every industry with My Web Lab

Experts in Ecommerce Website Development

We love to design and build ecommerce sites that serve a variety of industries, for both physical and digital products. My Web Lab is committed to creating quality ecommerce sites designed to meet and exceed each client’s expectations.

Ecommerce website Development

The Potential of Online Shopping with My Web Lab

Expand your market with effective e-commerce

E-commerce is crucial for accessing broader markets. My Web Lab develops e-commerce that offers your customers the convenience of shopping anytime, anywhere, increasing trust and boosting sales through user-friendly platforms.

Superior Features in Our E-commerce

Innovation and comprehensive support for every online store

In addition to advanced product and order management features, My Web Lab offers comprehensive support, from data backup to graphic customization, ensuring that every e-commerce is not only a selling point but also a powerful marketing tool.

Ecommerce Cart

International Ecommerce Development

Global Expansion with E-commerce

My Web Lab specializes in building e-commerce sites that support multiple languages and currencies, facilitating sales and management in different international markets.

Custom Ecommerce Site Creation for Every Business

Advanced Customization of Your E-commerce

Every industry has unique needs, and My Web Lab offers custom ecommerce site creation that fits those needs perfectly. From complex product configurations to specialized checkout options, our goal is to provide an ecommerce site that not only meets but exceeds customer expectations.

Improving User Experience on E-commerce

UX Optimization to Maximize Conversions

Building ecommerce sites does not stop at functionality. My Web Lab is committed to improving the user experience (UX), making every interaction intuitive and enjoyable, increasing conversions and customer loyalty.

Integrated Digital Marketing Strategies

Efficient Promotion of Your E-commerce

Combining an e-commerce site with a digital marketing strategy is critical to success. My Web Lab implements digital marketing tactics, from SEO to social media marketing, to ensure your e-commerce reaches the right audience and increases sales.

Request a Quote for Ecommerce Sites Realization Custom Ecommerce Sites Realization from My Web Lab

Trust My Web Lab to create ecommerce sites that guarantee success and security. Contact us to find out how we can turn your project into a successful reality.